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We Print Brochures, Booklets, Catalogues & more

I know what you’re thinking, in this digital world who still prints brochures?

Well to answer your question, lots of people do still as a physically printed brochure still has that tactile, immersible experience that digital struggles to compete with.

In our opinion there is nothing better than flicking through a well designed and printed brochure and really getting a good look & feel of the products or services being advertised.

Still not convinced? Let me take you through the evolutional journey that brochures have been throughout the years to see if I can talk you round!


Starting in the 1940s early brochures had none of the technology that we rely on today and instead fonts were drawn by hand by expert craftsmen and creativity was limited by the artist drawing it using nothing but his hands and eyes! As you can imagine the range of colours was hugely limited too mainly due to the costs of printing.


In to the 1950s and there was a huge change to brochure design, photography! Although hand drawn artistic illustrations were still popular, photography brought life to the products or services being advertised in the brochures and still play a huge part in brochure design in today’s world.


By the 1960s advanced in printing technology meant that costs of printing were coming down so it allowed designers to be more creative with substrates, colours and photography.

Developments by the likes of Kodak in 1963 made it so that it was now affordable to use colour photos within your designs.


The 1970s was the last decade of manually placing elements onto films to be printed and by now colour photography was used much more prominently than hand drawn illustrations.


From the 1980s onwards technology stated to really snowball within the print industry. With the release of desktop publishing software making it much easier to creative complex designs as the designs could be viewed on screen rather than having to be manually cut out and made up.

Since the 1980s the print industry has gone from strength to strength with new technologies to the printing processes and design softwares being refined continuously.


And now with AI coming into the market there really will be no limit to what can be achieved within the design of your brochure. Also, the colours and finishes that can be achieved by production presses and finishing equipment means that we can make the production of your brochures as unique as you would like them to be.

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