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International Colour Day 2024

International Colour Day is an annual event held on March 21 to celebrate colour. The day was established by the International Colour Association, which is composed of national colour organisations and members representing over 30 countries. 

Proposed by the Portuguese Colour Association at an international gathering, this date was chosen particularly as it related to the spring equinox.

The equinox marks the time in this half of the year when the length of the daylight is almost the same as the length of the night-time, providing symbolic relevance as the contrast of light and shadow is considered not only in the rainbow but also in human cultures. Check out these interesting facts to get involved with the day:

Human Eye

The human eye can see about 10 million variations of colour, including 1000 levels of light-dark, 100 levels of yellow-blue, and another 100 levels of red-green.


Can be relaxing and calming, so is great for around the home.


One of the easiest colours on the eyes, it’s often used in offices.


Can make us feel hungry – Ever wonder why fast food chains use bright primary colours? Studies have shown that yellow can stimulate our appetite, which means it’s a great colour for restaurants.


Tends to make people feel drained and low energy, so should be used sparingly.


Associated with excitement, it’s a great colour for inspiring people.

Women can see more shades of red than Men – The gene responsible for letting us see red colours is found on the X chromosome, and since women have two X chromosomes, they can see a lot more orange-red tones than men. So, if you’re choosing colours to be used in products for men, bear in mind that they can often only see light, medium, or dark reds, while women can see ruby, scarlet, and many shades in-between.

Colour Wheel

The colour wheel was invented by Sir Isaac Newton.


Means a fear or aversion to certain colours; with Erythrophobia, a fear of red, the most common form of the condition.


Is when a person can see certain numbers, letters or even days as colours.

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